Account Processor Service

Account Processor Service

 Component basics


Account Processor Service


Account processor service handles the updates that needs to be done in the account, based on the data that is received in the transaction.

The account processor service receives the transaction data from transaction manager along with the account for which the transaction was received. If an account number was not received along with the transaction data, then the transaction is received for an account that does not exist yet in the system and needs to be created based on the data received in the transaction.

If an account already exist then the account needs to be updated based on the data received in the transaction. The account processor service will

  1. Create or term or cancel the enrollment spans

  2. Create or update or term or cancel premium spans as appropriate

  3. Add new members to the account

  4. Update member demographic information

Anatomy diagram



Key to anatomy diagram





Microservice Tech Stack

The microservice is build in Java 17.0, with Spring 6.0 Framework and Spring Boot 3.0

Microservice Tech Stack

The microservice is build in Java 17.0, with Spring 6.0 Framework and Spring Boot 3.0


For local the MySQL database is used.

For Docker the MariaDB is configured to be used.

For Unit Testing, H2 database is used.

Messaging Service

Kafka is used for asynchronous communication between Account Processor and other services

Entity Relationship Diagram





 Additional guidance









Best practices




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