(blue star) Component basics


Give the component a name.


Briefly explain what the component does, e.g., "An avatar is an image that represents a user or entity."

Anatomy diagram

Type /image to upload a diagram of the component with numbered callouts. Use the basic version of the component and make sure the example has good copy.

Key to anatomy diagram

  1. Define each of the numbered callouts in your anatomy diagram.

(blue star) Specifications


Give an overview of the component and how it's used, e.g., "Use avatars to identify a user or entity in a product. Typically, users will upload their own image, but they may also stick to the default image."


Provide examples for standard variations that appear in your product. If possible, these examples should be created with live code from your design system's repo.


Describe how the component behaves in different contexts.


  • Describe how the component should be styled, visually. Include information about alignment, padding, etc., as well as "do" and "don't" examples.

(blue star) Additional guidance


  • Provide component-specific guidance on content, such as punctuation rules, standard labels, etc.


  • Provide component-specific best practices for accessibility.


  • Provide guidance on how to apply this component in mobile environments.

Best practices

  • If there are industry standards for this component, list them in this section. Include "do" and "don't" examples to illustrate each point.


  • List related components or patterns. Include links whenever possible.